Amtify Affiliate

Discover the exciting world of AMTIFY, the premier online fashion retailer, and seize the opportunity to become an affiliate partner today. By joining our program, you'll earn an impressive 20% commission on every successful order generated through your referral link. But that's not all - we're also offering your fans an exclusive 15% discount!​


Influencer Benefits




Affiliate Program Details


20% Referral Fees

Earn commission on all products, 20% Standard Commission (excluding shipping fee & taxes) for everyone.

Exclusive deals for your fans & followers.

Every successful sale you make will earn you a commission of 20%, while your followers will receive a discount of 15% on their purchase.

Private Discount Code

Once approved, you will be assigned a private discount code. This code will enable your fans & followers to save 15% on our site.


  • Cookies: 15 days - We understand not every shopper will checkout on their 1st visit. Most shoppers will complete their purchase within the first few days. Upon their 1st visit to our site, our program will honor you with the commission if the same visitor returns and completes the order within 15 days.



 ** Please note: Any orders that is a result or related to an Facebook/Instagram/Google ad from Amtify's own ad channels, commission will not be paid.  Referral fee's do not include shipping fees.